•  noorulhudat110@gmail.com
  •   92 333 0531223, +92 333 7565697




1- Name

The name of this institution shall be "Masooma Institute of Islamic Studies" which shall be abbreviated as "MIIS ".

2- Definition/Institutional Status

"Masooma Institute" shall be a subsidiary of Noor Al Huda Trust which shall frame its own internal constitution and bye-laws, subject to the constitution and rules of the trust. Its internal constitution will define its institutional goals and formulate strategies to achieve these goals. This organization will get its goals, budget and policies approved by Noor Al Huda Trust.

3- Vision

To make the young women of today the best intellectuals and role models of tomorrow. "To prepare young women of today to be the Best scholars and a role model of tomorrow”

4- Mission

In the light of the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, such a class of women Training due to which they can find happiness in this world and hereafter.

5- Goals

a) Graduated students of "Masooma Institute" are high level teachers, researchers, writers, speakers and preachers.
2. Graduate students of this institution can continue their higher education in universities and educational centers in India and abroad.
3. Graduate students of this institution are proficient in the sciences and arts and skills related to family life.
4. The graduate students of this institution are so proficient in Arabic, Persian and English that they can make sufficient use of the literature in any language.
5. To highlight the ability of the female graduates of this institution to manage various educational institutions in the future.

6- Administrative structure (duties and powers)

1- Masooma Supervisory Committee

1. This committee will frame internal constitution for Masooma Institute.
2. This committee will perform the duty of monitoring all educational, teaching and administrative affairs of Masooma Institute.
3. This committee will determine the educational goals of Masooma Institute, teaching methods and the teaching and learning abilities of teachers and students through mutual consultation.
4. This committee will consist of five to seven members. The members of this committee can be increased as per need.
5. The term of membership of the Advisory Committee members shall be three years. After 3 years their membership period can be extended.
6. Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust and Principal of Masooma Institute will be members of this committee ex officio.
7. All decisions in this committee shall be made by majority vote.
8. It is necessary to hold at least 3 meetings of the committee in a year. This committee will draft the annual budget of Masooma Institute.

2- Chairman Noor Al Huda Trust

1. The Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust has full right to appoint or extend the Principal for Masooma Institute in consultation with this Committee. However, whatever decision the Chairman takes with the advice of the Trust Committee will be approved by the members of the Trust.
2. The Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust will be responsible for the overall supervision of the work of "Masooma Institute" and will assist the officials of the Institute wherever necessary.
3. All the officials of Masooma Institute will be accountable to the Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust for the performance of their official duties.
4. The Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust shall have an equal vote in the consultative process and internal decisions of the "Supervisory Committee" and shall not have any differential voting rights.
5. If the Chairman of Noor Al Huda Trust disagrees with any decision of the "Supervisory Committee", he will have the right to take a decision according to his position if supported by the majority of the members of Noor Al Huda Trust and in this case the supervisor The committee members have to accept that decision.

3- Principal Masooma Institute

1. The Principal of Masooma Institute will be appointed for a period of 3 years. However, the period of their appointment will always be extendable in the above manner.
2. The Principal Masooma Institute will supervise the overall performance of the institution and will be responsible for all teaching affairs and program delivery of the department.
3. The Principal of Masooma Institute shall be empowered and responsible for the promulgation of internal rules of the institution. It will also give suggestions for reforms in the constitution according to the requirements and conditions.
4. The Principal shall be accountable to the Head of Noor Al Huda Trust in the performance of her duties.
5. It shall be the responsibility of the Principal Masooma Institute to compile a comprehensive record of all the activities of Masooma Institute, as well as to present the annual performance report of Masooma Institute in the annual meeting of Noor Al Huda Trust.
6. It will be the responsibility of the Principal Masooma Institute to prepare the basic draft of the annual budget of Masooma Institute and after revision it will be the responsibility of the Supervisory Committee to get it approved by the Budget Noor Al Huda Trust.

4- Conduct of meetings

1. At least 3 meetings of Supervisory Committee in a year shall be necessary. But if necessary, the meeting of the committee can be organized in less time.
2. The Secretary of the Supervisory Committee shall be responsible for preparing and conducting the agenda of the meetings of the Supervisory Committee; However, he will consult and take suggestions from Chairman Trust and Principal Masooma Institute Masooma in preparing the agenda. Other committee members may also suggest agenda items.
3. Each meeting shall begin with a short recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by the agenda of the meeting. Then the decisions of the previous meeting and their implementation will be reviewed.
4. An official record of the meetings will be prepared. A report of the proceedings of each meeting shall be prepared and submitted before the next meeting or at least on the day of the next meeting

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